Once in the yard we got the resident welder to size up the job in hand. The bulkhead is pretty eaten away as is the nearside wheel arch. Problem is, the bloody thing is fibreglass and thus rather liable to set alight. A job for a pro perhaps? The chap said the best idea would be to remove the windscreen and cut the area below it out to gain access to the affacted area. He also mentioned the figure £800.
Obviously the next job was to get Molly loaded up and get her down to Somerset where we could take our time over the restoration and call in a few favours with local welders.
The Defender, our chosen horse, struggled. Snow had been falling for a week or two and it was trecherous on the roads, especially when towing a ton and half of rotting Bedford. We were delayed several times when the weather came in and one attempt had to be called off half way through because the Landy couldn't hold traction. Molly then, had to spend Christmas in the yard with her new stable mate; a 101 faulklands veteran.
We finally we got the go ahead for the journey down to Somerset and loaded her up. Easier said than done when you have no brakes.
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